Be Ahead of the Game!

How to get ahead and not lose your mind and sanity come Black Friday...

I hope that pep talk about going hard on Black Friday promotions got your creative juices flowing. But, I also know it might have gotten those nerves twitching a tad, too. Big box stores, thousands of competitors... quite the battle ahead, right?

But guess what, buttercup? You've got a secret weapon. It's not just your amazing, one-of-a-kind products or your incredible craftsmanship, but it's this - you're prepared. Or rather, you're about to be, because I'm going to tell you why planning and scheduling your emails in advance is not just a good thing, it's a game-changer!

Now, hear me out.

1. No Last-Minute Panic: You know that feeling of last-minute hustle, trying to put together an email while managing a thousand other things? Not fun, right? Writing and scheduling your emails in advance means you can say sayonara to last-minute panic and hello to a calm, well-prepared sales period.

2. Consistency is Key: Consistent communication builds trust with your customers. It shows them you're reliable and, just like your handcrafted products, you've got their interests at heart. By scheduling ahead, you ensure your messages arrive timely and regularly.

3. Review and Refine: With your emails prepared in advance, you've got ample time to review, refine, and perfect your messages. You can make sure your tone is on point, your call-to-actions are compelling, and your deals are too good to resist.

4. Strategic Planning: Your email campaign can align seamlessly with your other promotional activities. Social media posts, in-store offers, website banners - everything can be orchestrated to deliver a cohesive and impactful marketing punch!

5. Time and Energy Saver: Once your emails are sorted, you can focus on other vital aspects of your business. Plus, by planning ahead, you're also ensuring you have time to handle any unexpected events that might pop up.

Does that all sound good? Fantastic! 

So, if you didn't have a Black Friday marketing plan yet, consider this your kick-start. Use these emails as your foundation and build around them. If you already had a plan in place, consider this an extra boost. You're in this to win it!

And remember, as you’re pouring over your battle plans, remember I'm here, rooting for you, every step of the way.

Here's to a fantastic and successful Black Friday!