Subject Lines:

  • Monthly Roundup: Highlights from [Your Business]
  • Monthly Recap: Celebrating Milestones and Memorable Moments at [Your Business]
  • What You Missed: Unveiling the Best of [Your Business] This Month
  • It's a Wrap! Here's What Happened at [Your Business] This Month

Hello [Customer's Name],

As we close another exciting month at [Your Business], we'd love to share some highlights that you might have missed.

First up, we had [Describe a major event or achievement from the month].

Next, we launched [Talk about a new product/service that was introduced].

And of course, our [Your Product] continues to be your favorite. We received such heartwarming feedback from [Customer's Name] who said, "[Include a brief but impactful customer review here]."

Lastly, we introduced a new member to our team, [Employee's Name], who's already making a big difference in [Mention area of impact].

Thanks for being part of our [Your Business] community! Here's to another month of amazing moments.

Warm wishes,

[Your Name]

What Makes This Email Great:

  • This email keeps your customers up-to-date with the latest happenings, which can make them feel more connected to your brand.
  • Sharing achievements and positive feedback enhances your brand image and trustworthiness.
  • This is a great opportunity to subtly promote any new offerings without hard selling.
  • Reflecting on past events and hinting at future ones can stir interest and anticipation among your customers.

Tips N' Tricks To Make This Email Even Better

  • Including relevant photos or infographics can make your email more engaging and easier to digest.
  • Incorporate links to your website or social media pages where customers can learn more about the highlights you mentioned.
  • Consider adding a poll or questionnaire for feedback or suggestions for the upcoming month.
  • Personalize the email based on the recipient's previous interactions with your business. This could be highlighting a product they bought or an event they attended.

Extra Fun Bonus General Marketing Tip:

Automation is your friend in email marketing. Set up automated emails for common customer actions like welcome emails for new subscribers, birthday emails, or reminder emails for abandoned shopping carts. This can significantly improve your efficiency, ensure timely communication, and enhance customer experience. However, it's important to keep these emails personalized and relevant to maintain a human touch and boost their effectiveness.

Short Form Video Script Idea:

[Opening shot: A visually appealing image or video clip showcasing a highlight from your business]

[Background music: Upbeat and energetic tune]

Voiceover: Hey there, [Your Business] fam! Can you believe another month has flown by? We've had so many exciting moments and we can't wait to share them with you.

[Cut to text overlay: "Monthly Roundup: Highlights from [Your Business]"]

Voiceover: Here's a quick recap of what went down at [Your Business] this month. Hold on tight!

[Cut to visual montage: Showcasing different highlights from your business, such as events, product launches, customer testimonials, team members, etc.]

Voiceover: We kicked off the month with [Describe a major event or achievement from the month]. It was an incredible experience filled with [Share the impact or excitement of the event].

[Cut to text overlay: "New Launch: [Product/Service Name]"]

Voiceover: And speaking of new, we introduced [Product/Service Name] to our lineup. It's been a hit among our amazing community. Thank you for your support!

[Cut to customer testimonial or review]

Voiceover: Shoutout to [Customer's Name], who left us this heartwarming feedback: "[Include a brief but impactful customer review here]."

[Cut to team member introduction]

Voiceover: We also welcomed [Employee's Name] to our team. They've already made a big impact in [Mention area of impact]. We're thrilled to have them on board!

[Closing shot: Your logo or a visually appealing image related to your brand]

Voiceover: Thank you for being a part of our [Your Business] journey. We appreciate each and every one of you!

[End with text overlay: "Stay tuned for more exciting updates in our next newsletter!"]

[Background music fades out]

Social Media Caption:

  It's time for our monthly roundup! Check out the highlights from [Your Business] this month. From incredible events to new launches and heartwarming customer testimonials, it's been an amazing ride. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in our next newsletter! #MonthlyRoundup #BusinessHighlights #NewLaunches #CustomerLove #TeamIntroductions #StayTuned

Note: Adapt the caption and hashtags to align with your brand and target audience. Additionally, consider adding engaging visuals, text overlays, and effects to enhance the overall appeal of your Instagram reel.