
📥 Free Download: The Mad Hatter’s Guide: The Proven Strategy to Drive More Visitors to Your Etsy Shop or Website with Blogging
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🎓 Free Workshop: Discover How to Ethically Use BuzzFeed’s Traffic Strategy for Your Handmade Business
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Episode Summary:

In this episode of The Marketing and Heart Podcast, we dive into the transformative power of blogging for handmade businesses. You’ll learn how blogging can drive consistent traffic to your Etsy shop or website, why it’s a long-term strategy that outperforms social media, and how you can use it to connect with your ideal customers. We’ll also debunk some common myths about blogging and explain why it’s one of the best tools for scaling your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Blogging creates evergreen content that drives long-term traffic to your shop or website.
  • Unlike social media, blogging doesn’t require constant posting to maintain visibility.
  • Blogging allows you to build trust and authority with your audience.
  • SEO-optimized blog posts can bring in targeted traffic consistently, without relying on algorithms.
  • Blogging is a powerful tool for nurturing relationships with potential customers and converting them into loyal buyers.



Welcome back to The Marketing and Heart Podcast! I’m so excited about today’s topic because it’s something that can truly transform your handmade business—blogging. Now, if you’ve been putting all your effort into social media to drive traffic to your shop but still feel like something’s missing, this episode is going to open up a whole new world of possibilities for you.

Blogging is not outdated. In fact, it’s one of the best long-term strategies for growing your traffic, building relationships with your audience, and creating consistent sales. Today, I want to share why blogging is so powerful, how it can work for your handmade business, and why it’s a strategy that will keep delivering results for years to come.

Why Blogging is Different From Social Media

Let’s start with the biggest question: why blog when you can just post on Instagram or TikTok? Social media is great for short bursts of attention, but it’s a short-lived strategy. Your post gets some likes and comments for a few hours, maybe a day, and then it disappears into the abyss of the algorithm.

Blogging, on the other hand, is evergreen. When you create a blog post, it stays online. People can find it months or even years later through search engines like Google. It keeps working for you long after you’ve hit "publish."

And the best part? Blog posts can be optimized for search engines, meaning they can show up in search results when people are actively looking for what you offer. This is completely different from social media, where you’re hoping someone will stumble upon your post.

Blogging Builds Trust and Authority

Another key benefit of blogging is that it builds trust and authority with your audience. When people come to your blog, they’re looking for valuable information, tips, or insights. You’re not just showing them your products—you’re educating them, inspiring them, or helping them solve a problem.

This is a powerful way to establish yourself as an expert in your niche. People are more likely to trust and buy from businesses that provide value before asking for a sale. Blogging gives you the platform to do just that.

Think about it. If someone is deciding between two Etsy shops, one with a blog full of helpful posts and one without, which do you think they’ll trust more? The blog gives you credibility—it shows that you know your stuff and are invested in helping your customers.

SEO: The Secret Sauce of Blogging

Now, let’s talk about SEO. Search engine optimization might sound intimidating, but it’s really about making your content easy for search engines like Google to find and rank.

When you optimize your blog posts for SEO, you’re creating content that can show up in search results when people type in specific keywords. So, if someone is searching for “handmade eco-friendly jewelry,” and you’ve written a blog post about why eco-friendly materials matter in jewelry-making, your post could show up in the search results.

This is what makes blogging so powerful. SEO-optimized blog posts bring in targeted traffic—people who are actively searching for the kinds of products you offer. And unlike social media, where you’re at the mercy of algorithms, SEO gives you the chance to rank in search results consistently.

Blogging Nurtures Relationships and Drives Sales

Blogging isn’t just about driving traffic—it’s about nurturing relationships with your audience. When someone lands on your blog, they’re there to learn, be inspired, or solve a problem. Your blog gives you the opportunity to connect with them on a deeper level.

Through blogging, you can guide your readers through their buyer’s journey. From awareness (learning about your brand) to consideration (seeing the value in your products), and finally to decision (making a purchase), your blog helps them every step of the way.

This consistent interaction builds trust and familiarity, making it more likely that they’ll return to your shop when they’re ready to buy. Plus, once someone is on your blog, you can encourage them to sign up for your email list, where you can continue nurturing that relationship.

You Don’t Need to Blog Every Day

A lot of handmade business owners think that blogging requires constant posting, like social media. But the beauty of blogging is that you don’t need to publish new content every single day.

Because blog posts are evergreen, they keep working for you long after they’re published. You can start with one or two posts per month, focusing on quality over quantity.

Each post you publish builds up a library of content that brings traffic back to your site over time. Unlike Instagram posts that disappear after a few hours, your blog is an investment that pays off again and again.

The Long-Term Benefits of Blogging for Your Handmade Business

So, why should you start blogging? Blogging gives you a way to create long-term traffic that’s not dependent on algorithms or fleeting social media trends. It helps you connect with your audience in a meaningful way, build authority in your niche, and turn casual visitors into loyal customers.

By consistently publishing valuable content, you’re not only growing your audience but also nurturing relationships that lead to sales. Blogging can be the difference between a business that’s constantly hustling for the next sale and one that has a steady stream of traffic and customers.

Call to Action

If you’re ready to start using blogging to grow your handmade business, I’ve created a free resource to help you. Download my free Mad Hatter’s Guide: The Proven Strategy to Drive More Visitors to Your Etsy Shop or Website with Blogging. This guide walks you through how to create blog content that brings in highly targeted traffic and grows your business over time.

Head over to to grab your free guide and start blogging your way to success!


Blogging is one of the most powerful tools you can use to grow your handmade business. It’s a long-term strategy that brings in consistent traffic, builds trust with your audience, and drives sales without requiring you to post every day. If you’re ready to stop relying on social media alone and start building a steady stream of traffic, blogging is the way to go.

Share this episode with another handmade business owner who’s looking to grow their traffic, and don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode.